Any person (or company) who wants to be successful needs to be present on social media, Kikora Mason, the Deputy Director of Digital Strategy for the Office of the Mayor of the City of Chicago, said.

During her presentation, Kikora shared the five R’s you should follow to have a successful social media strategy.

#1: Real

“Because you’re not a robot, you shouldn’t be speaking like a robot on social media,” she said. You need personality in your content to connect with your followers, so don’t be afraid to lean into authenticity.

#2: Relatable

Building trust and reliability are important for your platforms, and the easiest way to create this is by being relatable. Kikora encourages you to have fun creating content that your followers will connect with.

#3: Responsible

Nothing in the digital space goes away, so make sure to be mindful of what you say, because you’re not just representing yourself, you’re also representing your company, association and so much more. “Eyeballs are on you all the time,” Kikora said.

#4: Recognizable

“Your followers need a reason to come back to your page over and over and over again,” Kikora said. Determine why your followers find your content relatable, and continue to create that content to become recognizable.

#5: Rich

No, this doesn’t mean being rich with money. Instead, make your platforms rich through visuals and content that your subscribers want to see.

Listen to the full presentation below.