Introducing The 77 and Our Diversity Committee!

The 77 General Body is a representation of Chicago as a whole. Diversity is defined by a range of human differences, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, skills & specialties, national origin and political beliefs. The 77, named after Chicago’s 77 unique neighborhoods, will:
  • Tackle topics like fair housing and economic development
  • Engage with local chambers of commerce and quasigovernmental bodies (i.e. TIF Boards)
  • Seek placemaking grant opportunities
  • Serve (via a designated representative) each community and provide local REALTORS® with answers to frequently asked questions, advice and association information.

Q:How do you see The 77?Alex Chaparro:I see The 77 as the evolution of what it means to have a formalized diversity committee. I want to make sure The 77 features every voice of diversity in the city of Chicago and surrounding areas. I think The 77 will provide the opportunity for individuals to learn and grow from one another, to be able to serve the city of Chicago as one and to bring true inclusion to CAR’s membership. I think CAR is leading in being proactive and creative, and we need to have a voice where we work and live.Q:What are your goals for the committee presently and in the future?AC:As of right now, The 77 has been working virtually, but the excitement for the future is still strong. We are discussing activities that we can do in different communities once the stay at home order has been lifted. For the industry as a whole, I want to ensure this provides a platform for people to talk about challenges and opportunities in communities, to protect private property rights and so much more. Personally, I believe this is the evolution of formal committees for diversity. This is a phenomenal opportunity for people to engage with CAR who would not normally. I want to make sure I am laying a foundation for this to last for many years to come.