Tell Your Property Tax Reassessment Story

We are gathering information regarding the 2021 reassessment of Chicago properties, including challenges and opportunities you and your clients faced during the process. This information will be used by our Government Affairs Directors during conversations with lawmakers about how youand your clients are impacted by property taxes.

Please fill out this information as thoroughly as possible and share it with your clients who also have stories to share.

Tell Your Property Tax Reassessment Story

Did the property owner file an appeal with the Assessor’s Office?
If your appeal was denied by the Assessor, will you appeal through the Board of Review?
Were the property’s characteristics listed accurately on the property taxes?
Was the property’s classification listed accurately on the property taxes?
Is the property vacant?


Were the correct exemptions applied to the property on its taxes?
Do you have clients that canceled a transaction because of the property taxes?
Do you think property taxes are predictable for buyers?
What is your highest priority for property tax reform in Cook County?