October Real Estate Feature from WBBM

Each month, we’ll be releasing a collection ofradio shorts from WBBMto help home buyers and sellers make informed real estate decisions. Each episode includes specialty advice from real estate experts, voiced by past president Matt Silver, Urban Real Estate. We encourage you to share these with your clients.

Reasons Why Fall is a Great Time to Buy

Home buyers often spend most of their time looking for a new home in warmer months, but fall shouldn’t be overlooked! With aspects like low interest rates and a chance to explore properties’ heating and cooling systems, fall can be a great time to continue your home search.Find out more about why purchasing a home in fall can save you money.

Energy Efficiency While Hosting Guests

The heat is cranked, the oven is on, guests are wandering about and all you can think about is how high your energy bill is going to be – think again! Hosting friends and family shouldn’t take a toll on your wallet. Making a few simple changes, like using the dishwasher instead of washing by hand and turning down the heat can help you avoid costly energy bills.Learn more about efficient ways to save money when hosting guests.