Past President to U.S. Senators: Help Homebuyers


Mabél Guzmán of @properties

C.A.R.过去梅布尔Guzman森告诉美国总统ate subcommittee in Washington, D.C. about the importance of helping millions of responsible, creditworthy prospective homebuyers. Guzmán of @properties, 2014 Chair of NAR’s Conventional Financing and Policy Committee, provided testimony to the U.S. Senate Banking Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation, and Community Development on Tuesday, Dec. 9. “Tight credit, high fees and low inventory have combined to make it prohibitively expensive for millions of responsible, creditworthy prospective buyers to own a home,” Guzmán said. “If this is the direction that the housing market is taking, we’re headed down the wrong path.” Read the articlehere. See the fulltestimonyandvideofrom the hearing on Inequality, Opportunity and the Housing Market.