With cold weather here to stay for the foreseeable future, the cost of an inefficient home can make a dent in your budget. Below are resources to help your clients use less energy and save a bit of money.

Service your furnace

Whether you have a boiler or furnace, make sure your heat source is serviced before the cold season and filters are changed regularly.

Drafty doors

You can install weather stripping and/or door sweeps to reduce drafts and heat loss.

Caulk, seal and insulate

Make sure your home is free of any drafty areas by focusing on simple fixes, like caulking gaps in window frames, and then move to more involved projects like adding attic insulation. If you take on a bigger project, check whatcurrent rebatesare available, as People’s Gas will often provide money to cover part of the cost. Also, keep in mind that 20 to 30% of heat loss can be avoided by proper air sealing and insulation. What’s air sealing? Here’s anexplanation.

Smart thermostats

Keeping your household thermostat at 68° while at home will save you money on your next bill. Installing a smart thermostat will help you keep your bill even lower, as a smart thermostat can determine when you’re out and lower the temperature, and bring it back up when you return.

Odds and ends

Run your ceiling fans in reverse, close your chimney damper, wrap hot water and radiator pipes, insulate or seal exposed ducts, close vents in unused rooms (unless there are water pipes) and make sure vents in occupied rooms are unblocked.

Stay warm this winter, and incorporate some of these tips to save money in the process!