1. Thinking of going solar?Between federal and state incentives, government programs can often help cover over half the cost of installing solar panels on your home. Get more informationhere.
  2. Arcadia Power:The power you use for your home is replenished by clean energy. Find more informationhere. Once you have an account, it also has tons of helpful resources and tips for efficiency
  3. Community Solar:This new program allows renters and homeowners to power their homes with solar energy without having to install panels on the property. Keep an eye on theportal herethat will officially launch later this year and allow any ComEd customer to lease solar panels to offset their electricity bill. The program is open to all ComEd customers.
  4. Rooftop Resources:Is your roof a good candidate for solar panels?Google launched a projectto help all homeowners see for themselves.
  5. Illinois Shines:Want to learn everything Illinois is up to in regards to solar power? Check out thisone pagerto learn more.