


Why Community Gardens?



In September of 2017, new legislation passed requiring the state of Illinois to track food deserts. A food desert is classified by the City of Chicago as an area located more than a mile from a food establishment larger than 10,000 feet. Chicago is home to over 240 grocery stores; unfortunately, these are not evenly distributed, leaving many of our neighborhoods without easy access to food, let alone healthy choices. A recent study found more than 500,000 Chicago residents live in food deserts.



While the price of fresh fruits and vegetables continues to rise, incomes aren’t necessarily keeping pace. Because of this, families are often forced to make food choices that align with their budgets: processed, high in calories and overloaded with sugar and sodium.


Clean, Sustainable Food Source




Community gardens offer education to residents of all ages about food, its source, nutrition and community building. Gardens often pair up with local schools or organizations to educate kids about fruits and vegetables, learn new gardening skills and take produce home to their families. This, in turn, helps entire families improve their health and knowledge of food.




随着社区花园出现在芝加哥的更多社区中,买家可能会更吸引他们。指出社区的关键特征时,不要忘记提及周围的花园及其提供的机会。而且,不仅仅是为社区花园提供机会的空白 - 屋顶农业正成为高密度城市社区越来越受欢迎的商品。



As a REALTOR®, you have a unique advantage in that you see tons of properties in a variety of neighborhoods around the city. Every community has a variety of public spaces, mostly recognized as parks, streets and plazas. But, public spaces such as alleys, neglected courtyards, stairways and land awaiting redevelopment could be the city’s most underutilized and potentially valuable assets. Improving deteriorated or underutilized spaces will increase their usage and usefulness – which in turn, can strengthen and enrich a community. You can help by identifying spaces and their potential for the benefit of entire communities.


Next time you’re in between showings, check out the green space. Identify empty lots, or sites ripe for development. You can also work with developers to see if there’s space for community gardens in their planned developments. Many tenants and buyers see community gardens as a plus – the addition of green space plus the ability to grow one’s food aligns naturally with rooftop decks and grills, as well as communal kitchens.

But it’s not just rooftop and backyards; community gardens can work into the landscape of a variety of neighborhoods. Neighborhoods that have experienced blight or are in the midst of food deserts are excellent examples of how a community garden can transform a community. Blighted lots, cleaned up and given the structure of a community garden, can lead to rejuvenation of the neighborhood, as well as increased development interest and property values.



彼得森花园项目是由拉曼达·乔伊(Lamanda Joy)建立的,基于这样的信念,即在花园和厨房中一起学习将新鲜,营养丰富的食物放在桌子上,建立更牢固的社区,增强文化遗产,改善公共卫生并创造一个更具可持续性,富有韧性的城市。



今天,许多社区花园已经扎根in neighborhoods around city, with more developing every year. Watching greenery, fresh fruits and vegetables pop up in our backyards is exciting, and knowing many gardens are partnering with local food pantries and shelters to help our fellow Chicagoans makes them even more necessary.

With all the benefits that community gardens bring, we decided to celebrate Illinois’ 200Thbirthday by partnering with the Peterson Garden Project to revamp and improve one of their existing community gardens. TheC.AR. Bicentennial Gardenwill feature seeds typical to our states founding, and the food will be donated to community members and organizations in need. We hosted a volunteer day in the fall; look for more opportunities to get involved in the spring!



如果找不到可以加入社区的花园,则可以开始一个。彼得森花园项目主任拉曼达·乔伊(Lamanda Joy)出版了一本关于该主题的书:开始社区食品花园:基本手册如果您或您的客户对园艺有些熟悉,但想加入社区花园,Fearless Food Gardening in Chicagoland,彼得森花园项目(Peterson Garden Project)是指导您努力的绝佳资源。

