Easy Safety Tips to Implement in 60 Seconds or Less

Ensuring your safety does not have to be time-consuming. These are best practices to ensure REALTOR® safety, and all of them take a minute or less out of your day.

Tell people where you’re going.

Whether they’re making sure you return by a certain time or just calling to see if everything is going well, this extra step in safety is no extra burden on you or your colleagues.

Prepare an out.

如果你被困在一个不舒服的情况下,哈哈ve a scenario ready to get yourself out safely. Possible ideas are calling your office, being joined by another REALTOR®, or retrieving something from your car.

Install a locator app on your phone.

Guardly, Life360 and iPhone’s Find My Phone are common applications that broadcast your location to select contacts.

Keep your phone in your hand.

During an open house or showing, having your phone in your hand, ready and available, gives you a peace of mind and serves as a deterrent to anyone with nefarious intentions.

Lock your car doors.

Waiting for a client? Don’t sit in a strange neighborhood or location without locking your car doors. And, when you leave your car anywhere, lock it behind you.

Look around.

As you arrive at a new location (or even a familiar one), keep your chin up and examine your surroundings for suspicious people or vehicles. The people who look alert and engage consciously with their surroundings are not easy to catch off guard.

Read a blog about safety.

Like this one! You never know when you might learn something new and doable to maintain your safety on the job.